Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen

The Sherrif cruiser bounced over the dirt road riddled with pot holes. Headlights to the cruiser bounced along with the car. The sirens were off and the lights did not blink.

Wally sat in the passenger seat, holding onto the handles on the passenger side door. His eyes bugged out of his head as he bounced inside the car. "You might want to slow down?"

Sherrif Reynolds, Wally's father, a man just short of his forties with a shaved head and a scowl on his tanned face, held tight to the steering wheel with both hands. "You know that I love you Wallace, but shut up."

Driving like a madman, Reynolds drove through the area with fury. "I hope you are wrong, Wally."

Wally nodded. "Me too, but I hate to admit that I might be right."

As they neared the asylum, Reynolds stopped the car and slammed the gears into park. He quickly grabbed his radio handset to speak into it. "Taylor, are you there?"

Wally gave a confused look to his father. "Taylor? You mean, Mr. Taylor?"

Reynolds ignored his son and made the call again by pulling up the handset to his mouth once again. "Zach, come in." His voice sounded harsh and almost demanded, but there was a hint of a plea in his tone.

Wally looked away from his father and glanced to the dashboard. "Why are you calling for Zachary Taylor? Is he ... Is he a vigilante?"

Zachary's boyish tone could be heard over the radio. "Sherrif Reynolds? Ten four, what is the status?"

Reynolds pulled the mic to his mouth again. "Zach, we have a problem at the asylum. A haunted house was put up here tonight and we have reason to suspect that there is something fishy to it."

"Ten four. What would you like me to do about it?" As Zachary finished his question, the sound of a screaming man could be heard at the other end of the mic, followed by a loud shrill made by monterous human vocal cords.

Wally's eyes bugged out as he looked at the mic in his father's hands. "What the hell?"

Reynolds held the mic to his mouth. "Chloe and Richard are stuck in there right now. Zach, they've got my little girl." His voice sounded hushed with a stronger southern accent than before.

The radio receiver let out a cry of help followed by a loud gurgling sound and then finally a loud bone snap.

"Make entry and I will tail you." Zachary finally said. "Over and out."

Reynolds nodded and pressed the button on his hand held mic. "Ten four, over and out."

Wally pointed a shaky finger to the mic. "What the hell was that?"

Reynolds pulled out his pistol from the holster on his utility belt and cocked a bullet in the chamber. "Stay in the car." He held the gun out to Wally, butt first. "If anything happens, shoot first ask questions later."

Wally nodded and took the gun without question. "You will explain that yelling crap on the other end of the radio, right?"

Reynolds turned his attention to the shot gun locked to the arm rest of his vehicle. He used his car keys to unlock the shot gun and cocked the pump once. "I don't have to explain anything to you. Do as I say and kill anything that isn't me or your sister."

"What about Mr. Taylor?" Wally asked as his father left the car.

"You can try, but you won't be able to kill him." Reynolds said, stepping out of the car and holding the butt of his shot gun to his left shoulder. He aimed the large barrel to the door and walked with caution over to it. With ease and not moving the aim, Reynolds bent back and slammed his left foot into the metal door. Without buging, the door let out a heavy "bam." Reynolds grunted and slammed his foot into it again. Again, the only thing the door made was a sound. Reynolds lowered his weapon and slammed his right shoulder into the door.

Wally opened his car door and peeped out his head. "Need some assistance?!"

Reynolds pointed an angry finger at his son. "Get back in the car!"

Wally grunted and did as his father asked. He slammed the car door and gave a worried look to his father still trying to open the door. "Man, I hope I am wrong."

As Wally said those words, a cloud of black fog shot over the car and was flying towards the metal doors that Reynolds stood at. As the cloud neared Reynolds, the fuzzy cloud quickly twisted and formed into the tall thick frame of Zachary, dressed in a short red leather jacket with blue jeans. Reynolds said some words to Zachary, Zachary nodded and then with one kick of his left foot, Zachary caused a dent in the metal door! Zachary repeated his attempt and finally the doors swung open after three kicks!

Reynolds held his shot gun up to his shoulder and stepped inside. Zachary followed, but stopped for a short moment at the door way. He turned and stared at the car.

Wally sank his seat. "Holy ... Shit." His eyes widened with fear.

The sound of fast moving feet hit the top of the car and the car shook. Wally stared at the ceiling of the car with fear and shock. As his gaze turned to the windshield, he saw the little blond haired boy named Eddie run across over to Zachary with such an intense speed, the dirt flew up behind him.

Zachary spoke to Eddie for a moment, in return, Eddie nodded. Within a flash, Zachary was gone.

Eddie stood in the doorway, looking around. From what Wally could see through the windshield, the little ten year old boy's mouth was covered in red liquid ... In blood!

Eddie turned and stared his satfire eyes to the boy in the car. He gave a smile, exposing many rows of shark like teeth. He then winked and gave a cheerful wave.

Wally shrunk his seat further, holding the pistol at his chest. "What the hell is going on?!" He whispered in hysteria.

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