Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven
A snore escaped his throat and a burst of air came out of his nose, blowing the Spider-Man comic book that laid on his face. He breathed deeply and as his chest rose with his hands resting on it, his left hand slipped off and fell off the single bed he slept on. His left foot sat on the ground while the other laid straight on the bed. Dressed in his clothes, a pair of jeans with a red and green Hawiian shirt and a pair of white socks, Wally slept deeply.

Wally's room, although filled, was very clean. The sky blue walls held black framed posters of comic book superheroes and rock bands. His long red oak dresser was covered with a collection of bobble heads of characters of a television series based on crime investigation. The wall, next to his white door that held a shoe rack, was a plastic holder the size of the wall itself and held playing cards for a role playing game. On the wall across his bed were long shelves holding white long boxes that were marked by a certain comic book lable or character. These comic book shelves ran from his ceiling onto the floor where more boxes sat upon each other. A red oak night stand sat to the left of his bed and held his charging cell phone and lamp designed in the shape of Batman, throwing his cape around and holding onto the lamp stand. Next to the stand was a small red oak desk that held his blue colored laptop. With the laptop opened a screen saver of images of the character Super-girl roated on his screen.

Wally snored once more and the Spider-Man comic fluttered. The room was dead silent, save for the fan running on his laptop. He started to mumble in his sleep. The foot on the floor began to tap and his fingers on both hands began to twitch violently.

"Stop." He mumbled in his tired breath. "Uh ... Uhnn ... Stop."

Wally's breathing became heavier and faster.


He twitched his head. The comic book slipped off his face. As the covering left his eyes, Wally's once brown eyes were now rolled to the back of his head revealing many rows of blue veins. His body began to convulse. "Stop." He mumbled again.

The comic fell off of Wally's face and slammed onto the floor.

Wally sat up in his bed, mouth out-stretched and taking in a long deep breath. His eyes rolled back and a look of terror covered his face.

His breathing calmed into a panic state as he looked around the room in a terrified daze. "What the hell was that?" He stammered.

Wally closed his eyes tightly in pain and rubbed his temples. "Chloe? Stop ... What ... Stop it!"

Wally rolled off the bed and landed onto his knees, rubbing his temples and squinting his eyes in pain. "What is going on? Where are you?" He glanced around in front of him through his squinted eyes. "Some kind of torture ... Chamber?" He groaned. "I ... Can't ... See ... Chloe ... What?!"

The lamp on Wally's night stand started to flicker and his laptop screen went black.

He closed his eyes tightly. "What is that?! Some kind of ... Devil?! Chloe! Oh God!"

The light stopped flickering and remained on.

Wally removed his hands from his temples and braced himself on the floor. He blinked and breathed heavily. "Ow." He said under his breath. The young teen jumped up, still remaining on his knees, and grabbed his cell from the night stand. Because the phone was still plugged into a charger, Wally fought with the cable to remove his cell phone. He quickly dialed a number and held the phone to his hear as he stood up onto his feet, running his hands through his blond hair.

"Come on. Come on." He said, pacing the room.

Wally's eyes lit up. "Hey, Lisa, I need to talk to Dad ... Yeah, it's Wallace." He smacked his dried lips.

"Dad? Hey, listen, something bad has happened to Chloe." He spoke faster than any person he had ever heard of and waved his hands around as he paced the floor. "She is in some weird torture chamber ... And ... Look, it doesn't matter how I know, I just know." He paused with a worried look. "Yes it was one of those dream things, but I am serious about this ..." He stopped and bit down on his bottom lip with rage. "It wasn't a dream, Dad, you have to go help her!" He scoffed. "It was some kind of torture chamber and ... Well they had these nude women tied up on the walls and these guys were slapping her around ... I think one of them was the devil." Wally's eyes darted around the room as he listened to his father on the other end of the line. "It wasn't a dream ... Trust me, I know a dream from one of those mind things that I have." The rage disappeared from his face. "Please ... You have to check it out." Wally's eyes filled with saddness. "I don't know where she is ... Didn't she go to the haunted house thing tonight with Richard?" He paused and stared into empty space with terror. "Oh man ... Richard is with her ... That is not good." He shook his head. "Alright ... I'll see you when you get here."

Wally pulled his phone away from his ear with a look of shock. "Don't kill her, Richard."

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